Monday, August 9, 2010


Today was the much anticipated day that the Thrive section of the Projo ran the story on the Reunion Shape-Up...
It was not THE front page.  But it was the front page of the Thrive section.

I think I am one of a small group of people that still gets the paper delivered to my house every day. Me and the handful of senior citizens on my street.   Why is that?  I mean, you can read the news online.  But there is nothing like picking up the paper and actually  unfolding the sections, turning the pages and hearing the rustling of the newsprint while sipping a cup (or three) of coffee.  I do it every morning.  Even if only for a few minutes.  I'm old school.

In any event, I go out to the back step (because that's where I ask our paper girl to throw it in case I cannot venture any further due to screaming children holding me hostage in my own home), pick up the paper, unwrapping it as I go in. I go directly to the Thrive section.  My first thought, "Oh MY."

It was "crazy pose".  The one pose I did after all the rest.

Crazy pose disclaimer:  I did not think the photo shoot would be full body length.  Or else the wardrobe selection would have been different.  That pose was my rendition of doing something "fun".  Why I thought opening my mouth and lifting up one leg was fun?  No answer.  The photographer asked for fun and that's what I came up with. What are you gonna do?  I know I could have given him something better had there been wine and some funky, get-me-started-and-in-the-mood music.  But that would be a different photo shoot. One that  would  never  be published in the Projo.  Or anywhere for that matter. 

I showed my son Luke the paper. His first words: "Mom, you look weird. You're wearing high-heel sandals with shorts. I just don't think it goes very well.  And your mouth is wide open."  Yes, Son, Yes.  He is obviously genetically predisposed to his father's honesty disease.  Clearly.  But - hearing my deep sigh, he adds quickly, "But it looks good. Good weird."   Is there such a thing?!

Yes.  I think so.  I think it is good to be a little weird sometimes. To go just a wee bit past the point where you feel comfortable, to where you feel a bit weird.  What a great example for my kids.  To show them it's okay to be a little nutty, a little outside the box. 

Good weird.  I like it.

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