Monday, August 23, 2010

Running on Empty

In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to focus on rest and recovery.  That was over a week ago and I really didn't think I'd be gone from blog-world quite that long.  But I have been
E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D.  To the point, where I did not feel I am the energy to do anything on the periphery.  Unfortunately, this blog fell into that very zone.

So.   The triathlon.  Survived the sharks.  With the help of my son's bad a#$ shirt and vicious snarl. He revealed the shirt just before I entered the water. And really - what shark would want to get near this?  They (because I was thinking of a big school of sharks) were probably thinking. "Whoa, already a  nasty great white patrolling this beach.  We're out."

The funny thing is, I did not know Luke had this shirt on until I was almost ready to get into the water for the swim.  Here's the proof...when we first arrived.  Luke looking p.o. 'ed because the Bruegger bagel life-size puppet scared him.  He WAS scary looking.
I don't want to see the bagel man...
 Swam my slowest time evah.  Quite a disappointment.  But with my lack of preparation, not surprising.  And contrary to what others had told me, my CrossFit workouts did NOT prepare me for the half-mile open water swim.  After I was done, I was beyond tired - but relieved.  It was over.

Note the look of relief on my face.  I think Luke was making sure the bagel did not get near us...he was snarky.

Onto the next challenge.  Samantha's 1st Birthday Party the following day.  Because in rating the weekend's chaos factor, it was pretty high.  At least I had the good sense to schedule the party later in the day.  In any case, the party was a hit.  Samantha had a super time...and I think her party guests did,too. 

But after that party was over and the next morning rolled around, I was literally tired to the core.  You know that feeling?  When you wake up feeling like you never slept...and there wasn't any alcohol to blame.  That's what I was feeling.  Totally spent.  But - my duties called.  Kids dressed and fed, trucked over to their grandmother's, me into work for a blessed Monday late-night schedule 'til 9pm.  Home, wind down, to bed at 11ish.

Next day, pretty much the same. No late night...thankfully that's a once weekly occurrence.  But - up to CrossFit for a class that night.  Gotta get back in the saddle. Go hard or go home as they say.   Left the class completely beat.  No surprise. 

Next morning.  Wake up. I feel as though I cannot even get out of bed.  And this is my day off from work. Something is wrong.  I am definitely not feeling well.  Almost a little flu-like.  But - I soldier on.  I gots kids to care for!

Next day.  I call the doctor.  Go in to my appointment with her.. Me: Dr. - I'm feeling these XYZ symptoms.  Yup, she says.  Sounds like ABC illness. You need antibiotics.  And take it easy.  Sounds like you need to slow down.  Sounds like you are running on empty.  Hmmm. I think she's right.  Of course.  She's a DOCTOR.

Ahhhh.  The almighty doctor's permission to slow it down.  But clearly. I could have given myself that permission...say...on Tuesday?  After the weekend swim adventure, birthday celebration for 30 guests and late - night at work.  Nope.  COULD NOT DO IT.

I grabbed myself a sweet tea from McD's on the way home from the doctor's office.  It's a vice that I am trying to steer clear since I am pretty sure it is just caramel colored water with some sugar heavily infused into it. Zero nutritional value. But so freakin' tasty. AND - they always put too much ice in there so you get through the whole 32 oz. in about eight good gulps of the straw.  Then I am left shaking the big Styrofoam container (another reason, I refrain.  Styrofoam...the anti-environmental container). 

Shaking the Styrofoam.  Hoping that some last little bit will trickle down to the bottom so I can suck up just one more little sip.  But it's empty.  But I keep shaking it. Sipping air through the straw. I have seen others do the same with their cups of soda.  Why?  Because we all rally against running on empty.  Because sometimes with the right shake of the cup...the right rattle of the ice in the container...we are rewarded with just a little bit of liquid goodness to make us believe there is more left...that we are not empty.

I am here to tell you...empty is empty. And that last little bit of stuff you can summon up from the bottom of the "empty" container.   It's the sign that you, too, are a believer that you can get more out of empty.  But I'm hear to tell you that sometimes it's okay just to admit that it's empty and take a break...

OR - Keep rattlin' the cup and keep believin'.  I get it.

For those of you waiting for some reference to Jackson Browne's song by the same name, sorry to disappoint.  But - I do clearly remember my sister bringing home the album, putting the record on the turntable and checking out the cover art.  For those of you to young to remember or know what I'm talking it is.  When albums were art...good times.

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